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Tiyan Baker

Tiyan Baker is working with a Buddhist congregation, Adelaide-based Buddha House and controversial online morbid content forum r/WatchPeopleDie on the development of The Witness

Tiyan Baker

Tiyan Baker is a video and sound artist based in Sydney. Her practice explores the emotional and spiritual experience of the self as embedded in greater socio-political and cultural contexts.

Baker works intimately with individuals and communities to examine public and private lives, on-and-offline experiences and aloneness as a vehicle for togetherness and transformation. Baker is currently working with Perth-based collaborator Loren Kronemyer to create Apocalypse Anonymous , an immersive video and sound installation that examines how anxiety in relation to catastrophic climate change is manifesting in public and private Australian lives.

Recent projects have seen her work with Australian YouTubers and
their fans, the users of the disturbing subreddit r/WatchPeopleDie and online human extinction forums.

Baker graduated with an Award of Distinction in Fine Arts/Arts from the University of New South Wales (2011).