Supporting the development of new art and performance
Presented by Vitalstatistix
Applications have closed.
Adhocracy is Vitalstatistix’s national hothouse, supporting the creative development of new experimental and multidisciplinary arts projects. Artists from around Australia join us to create and converse over the first weekend of Spring. This year’s tenth anniversary edition of Adhocracy will be proceeded by a national experimental art exchange. For more info on our general callout for artists see here.
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Adhocracy we are seeking proposals for an artistic/curatorial response to this milestone.
One selected project will be granted a $4000 fee. This opportunity is open to artists from around Australia (including South Australians).
What are we looking for?
We are keen to receive proposals that broadly respond to this anniversary and see it as a provocation for a larger conversation. You may decide to focus on the last decade of artistic practice in Australia or you may decide to focus on the notion of being ten years old. Or anything else – we are very open to receiving a range of proposals that aren’t necessarily focused on celebrating or documenting the history of Adhocracy itself.
We are looking for projects that can include our audiences/artistic peers and that offer a strong element for our three-night public program. We recommend that proposals do not overly rely on engaging the other artists selected to participate in this year’s Adhocracy, however, as they may not have the capacity to do this on top of their own projects.
Proposals that use frameworks that already exists (residency-made models, existing art documentation projects and so on) are welcome as long as they produce new outcomes specific to this provocation and the Adhocracy event.
Key information
Adhocracy is a four-day event. The first day, Thursday 5th September, is for artists only. The public program for audiences runs Friday 6th to Sunday 8th September. To be selected for participation you must be able to fully attend all four days. The selected tenth anniversary project will participate in the public program in the same way as other artists/projects – presenting a talk or showing each evening. Please note that this year there will also be a national experimental arts exchange held on 3rd and 4th September that you will be invited to attend if you are selected.
The selected project will receive a fee of $4000 towards artist fees, transport and accommodation costs if you are from outside of South Australia, and materials. You will also receive some additional production and documentation support from Vitalstatistix. You will be allocated a studio space at Waterside, which can range in size and technical capacity.
Adhocracy is an adventurous, intense experience and you will be sharing space and resources with other artists. If selected the Vitalstatistix team will work with you to confirm the details of the tenth anniversary project.
How to apply
To submit your proposal, please provide us with the following:
- A description of why and how you would like to respond to Adhocracy’s tenth anniversary (max one page)
- Further detail about the project you propose, including how it might unfold over four days and what you might present as part of the public program each evening. Please also describe your team and provide short biographies (max 3 pages).
- A description of the type of production support you may require, the type of space you will need and any other info you would like to provide including how you will allocate $4000 (max one page).
- One item of support material, with an option to provide a second item.
- Optional: One letter of support or recommendation from an artistic peer.
Note: Please stick to the information we have asked for above – we do not require anything more than this. Non-pdf support material should be provided as URLs on the cover form. Please ensure you clearly name your documents with your name and project title.
Applications have closed.