We’re turning 40!

Vitalstatistix is thrilled to announce the appointment of nationally respected programmer and producer Jennifer Greer Holmes as its new Artistic Director.

Jenn’s relationship with Vitalstatistix spans more than 15 years across several roles, and she is currently acting as the organisation’s Creative Producer. Jenn was appointed to the role following a competitive recruitment process that attracted local, national and international applicants.

Jennifer started her professional engagement with Vitals in 2009, as General Manager / CEO, leaving the company in 2011. She maintained a close relationship with Vitals as a videographer, artist and curator, until returning to a part time role as Executive Producer in 2021 during which she produced our Adelaide Festival hit The Photo Box by Emma Beech. Alongside her roles with Vitals, Jenn worked part time with Sydney’s Branch Nebula since 2019, with Zephyr Quartet from 2012 – 2020, as well as a range of companies and independent artists across the country including Theatre Network Australia, Karul Projects, Sydney WorldPride, Blacktown Arts, TheatreWorks, Darwin Festival, Brink Productions, ActNow, Carclew, Tina Stefanou, Teddy Dunn, Jason Sweeney, and more.

Jennifer returned to Vitals in April of this year in the role of Creative Producer and from August will begin the role as Vitalstatistix’s eighth Artistic Director.

“On behalf of the board, I am thrilled to welcome Jenn into the role of Artistic Director/Co-CEO,” says Deputy Chair, Stephanie Lyall. “Over the course of her career and throughout her hard-working independent practice, Jenn has cultivated an impressive network of artists and industry colleagues. Her reputation as a strong creative collaborator, excellent communicator and calm leader is evidenced through both her previous work at Vitals, and through her many local and interstate collaborations and leadership roles. Jenn is well-poised to follow in the fearless tradition of Vitalstatistix’s groundbreaking artistic leadership and co-lead the organisation through its 40th birthday celebrations later this year and into its bright fifth decade. Congratulations Jenn!”

Jenn’s first annual program will commence in 2025, coinciding with Vitals’ first year in receipt of Four-Year Investment from Creative Australia.

“It is an honour to walk through the doors of Waterside, as it is a place holding deep significance in my family who have gathered there for cultural and milestone events since they were teenagers. In the 1960s, my mother’s high school graduation ceremonies took place in the hall and my father attended SoundVilla dances, then in the 1970s he worked at the Port Adelaide Haulage Company which was located next door to what they called “Wharfie’s Hall” (Waterside). Since the first time I visited Waterside, I’ve imagined the possibilities for the artists I love to work here and to be able to share the significance of the venue and place of Yartapuulti (Port Adelaide) where I had the privilege to be raised and spend many years of my working life.

”It will be a gift to share the leadership of Vitalstatistix, a company whose values are also my own, and to be embedded daily within the community that I remain deeply connected to. My great grandparents, grandparents and parents were all born, and made a life within, a 2km radius of Waterside Workers Hall, so I feel very connected to this place.

“I’m looking forward to growing the connections that Vitals has with artists and arts organisations around the country and to building our profile in the international community of aligned organisations. My vision is for the company to reflect the arts and wider communities by making space for a variety of voices and perspectives that are structurally disadvantaged. Vitals occupies a unique space in the arts ecology, and it’s our responsibility to make the most of our resources to celebrate, advance, contribute to, and amplify a range of causes and voices in the communities we are part of.

“I am committed to progressing the incredible work of all the artistic directors before me and acknowledge the daily ongoing feminist work in which we strive for equity. And I am reminded that we are able do this because of the vision of the founders, Margie Fischer, Roxxy Bent and Ollie Black, who created the company 40 years ago.”

Jenn commences in the role of Artistic Director from 1st August 2024, working alongside Executive Director/Co-CEO Cassie Magin.