Handmade, heritage & vintage at the Port Festival. We throw open the doors at the heritage-listed Waterside Worker Hall. Expect vintage and craft stalls, food and drink, music, special tours of Waterside, participatory experiences and more!

Handmade, heritage & vintage at the Port Festival

Vitalstatistix’s Community Fair is back, this time for two exciting days as part of the Port Festival, 10 -11 October.

This is Vitalstatistix’s annual Community Fair and a chance to step inside our home, the heritage-listed Waterside Workers Hall. Drop in throughout the day to browse our vintage, craft and book stalls; sample some delicious local baked goods; catch a demonstration; and buy a raffle ticket for the chance to win one of many fantastic prizes donated by wonderful supporters including restaurant, theatre and cinema vouchers.

Here’s a schedule of special events throughout the weekend to help plan your visit:


10 am – 1 pm

Readings and Recordings with The Storycast for live broadcast at 2pm.

11 am and 2 pm

Tours of the Historic Waterside Hall

Learn all about the hall’s amazing history from its Maritime Union days, near demolition, its reinvention as home of Vitalstatistix in the 80s, to its present day restoration by the State Government.


11 am – 2 pm

Face Painting

11 am and 2 pm

Tours of the Historic Waterside Hall

Learn all about the hall’s amazing history from its Maritime Union days, near demolition, its reinvention as home of Vitalstatistix in the 80s, to its present day restoration by the State Government.

12:30 pm

Demonstration of Fowlers Vacola Food Preserving Kit

This Community Fair is Vitalstatistix’s annual fundraiser and all proceeds assist Vitals’ important role as a supporter of independent artists and projects in South Australia.

Waterside, 11 Nile Street, Port Adelaide

Entry by gold coin donation